Hours of Operation May 1 – June 30, 2024 & September 5/24 to April 30/25:
Sundays: 12 noon to 4 pm
Thursdays: 12 noon to 4 pm
Victoria Day Monday: 12 noon to 4 pm
Thanksgiving Monday: 12 noon to 4 pm
Family Day Monday: 12 noon to 4 pm
Easter Monday: 12 noon to 4 pm
Hours of Operation July 1 to Labour Day:
Sundays: 9 am to 4 pm
Mondays: 12 noon to 4 pm
Thursdays: 12 noon to 4 pm
Saturdays: 12 noon to 4 pm
***Note: Hours may be subject to change.
As Per MNRF guidelines, you must STOP and TELL the attendant what you are bringing into the landfill at the Stop sign BEFORE you drop anything off at the landfill site.
Acceptable Items
Normal Household Waste:
- Food Waste
- Glass Bottles
- Newsprint/Magazines
- Clean Corrugated Cardboard
- Box Board (e.g. cereal boxes/pop cases)
Recyclables, separated*
- Aluminum/Tin Cans*
- Plastic Containers/Bottles (#1 to #7)*
- Plastic Bags (in a bag & tied securely)*
- Small Gently Used & Clean Items for donation*
Scrap Metal*
Beer, Liquor & Wine Bottles/Cans/Tetra Box*
Household Hazardous Waste (items marked with the following symbols are hazardous)
- Also, NO paint, stain or varnish, waste motor oil, batteries; toxic chemicals e.g. gas, brake and transmission fluids, fertilizers and pesticides, Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL or other shape/size) etc; tires, & industrial materials
- Motorized vehicles
- All wood (both treated and untreated), brush, leaves, pine needles
- All Building materials
- Furniture/Mattresses
- Dead animals
- Unacceptable fill material including being contaminated with concrete and stumps
- Waste from outside our boundaries
All food waste and non-recyclable items must be contained in garbage bags and tossed into the landfill. Please separate your recyclables before coming to the site. All recyclables* go in designated spots at the site. IF IN DOUBT as to where to place them and what is acceptable, ASK THE ATTENDANT BEFORE UNLOADING.
Freon Filled Appliances (Fridges & Air-conditioners with no tags):
- Bedard’s Auto Service, Corner of Eagle Lake Road & Industrial Road, Machar Twp. (no charge)
- Machar Landfill, 111 Municipal Rd. North, Machar Twp. (fee charged)
All Electronics (including TV’s & Computers, etc.):
No charge at the following locations:
- Bedard’s Auto Service, Corner of Eagle Lake Road & Industrial Road, Machar Twp.
- Machar Landfill, 111 Municipal Rd. North, Machar Twp
CFL Light Bulbs and Batteries can be dropped off at all Canadian Tire Stores